38th CITAC Members’ Web-Meeting

38th CITAC Members’ Web-Meeting, 3rd May , 2023

The 38th CITAC Member’s Web Meeting was held on 3 May 2023. There were 19 participants.

In the meeting was reported:

and discussed Future CITAC events:

  • CITAC Webinar on metrology in chemistry: Presentation and discussion of the CITAC best papers 2022.
  • The 39th CITAC Members’ Meeting. Decided to organize a face-to-face meeting in Paris 2024.
  • About the readiness of the current issue of CITAC News

As the results of the Meeting:

  1. The Executive Committee

Bernd Güttler (PTB), who was the Chair of CITAC last three years, became the Past Chair;

Zoltan Mester (NRC), who was the Vice-chair of CITAC, became the Chair of CITAC;

Michela Sega (InRIM), who was the Past Chair, left her position. She was said many thanks for her contribution as an Executive Committee member, and she promised to continue to be useful as a member of CITAC;

Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva (University of Lisbon), who was the Secretary of CITAC, became the Vice Chair;

Felipe Lourenco (Universidade de São Paulo), who was the Editor of CITAC News, became the CITAC Secretary;

Tang Lin Teo (Applied Sciences Group Health Sciences Authority) became the Editor of CITAC News;

Narine Oganyan (VNIIFTRI) continues to be the Web Editor;

Wolfhard Wegscheider ( University of Leoben) continues to be the treasurer.

2. Activities:

  • CITAC Webinar on metrology in chemistry: Presentation and discussion of the CITAC best papers 2022 was decided to organize online on 27 June 2023;
  • The 39th CITAC Members’ Meeting was decided to organize a face-to-face meeting in Paris 2024.

At the end of the meeting, the last Chair of CITAC, Bernd Güttler acknowledged the CITAC Executive members that ended their terms, the colleagues that assumed new roles and the members that will continue the work in the management of CITAC activities.

link to the Webinar on metrology in chemistry: Presentation and discussion of the CITAC best papers 2022 organized on 27 June 2023

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39th CITAC Members’ Web-Meeting

The 39th CITAC Member’s Web Meeting was held on 8 May 2024. There were 13 participants. In the meeting were reported: As well as were presented summaries reports of the activities of the Eurachem/CITAC working groups: And discussed Future CITAC events: As the results of the Meeting: The Woerkshop on


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